Edmund Callipeaux – artist, college instructor, lives in St. Louis Park.
Leadership 5 – woodworker, camping enthusiast, day trader, lives in Missoula, MT.
Leadership 5 – 9 February 2011, 4:00 p.m.
“So, you’d like me to help you?”
“Yes,” replied Edmund Callipeaux.
“Let me ask you again, you’d like me to help you?”
“Yes.... And we’ll pay you too,” Edmund added.
“I’m not concerned about the money. I just need to know that you understand what it is that you are asking….”
“I’m not sure that I follow you,” said Edmund.
“Let’s put it this way: take my previous statement and replace the word asking with the word inviting. Are you sure that you understand what you are inviting into your life?”
“Inviting…? I’m still not sure what you’re getting at,” asked Edmund.
“The question is…. By asking for my help, do you understand that you are inviting - - or maybe unleash is a more apropos descriptor of what you are about to do? Perhaps it would be more accurately stated that by asking for my help, you will unleash a power into your home that you will not be able to control, and furthermore, there will be no going back once we begin!”
“I see,” pondered Edmund.
“Do you really?”
“Hmm,” hmmed Edmund.
“Let me ask you this: Would you dive down to the deepest depths of the deep-blue ocean and release The Kraken from its watery prison? Do you really think that you would have the power to press the beast into your service? Once it's free of its cage, will it obey your command?”
“Hmm,” hmmed Edmund once more.
“Or perhaps the analogy is better stated thusly: When the good people of Tokyo call on Godzilla to help them out of a jam, they understand that Godzilla will inadvertently destroy a big part of Tokyo in the process. But he gets the job done and saves them from Rodan or whatever crazy monster that’s attacking the city!”
“Hmm,” Edmund continued to hmm.
“So I’m asking you once again, are you sure that you want to place that phone call to Monster Island and unleash a power into your life, as well as the lives of those you love; unleash a force of nature that Pandora herself would probably shy away from?”
“Hmm,” Edmund was beginning to see his uncle’s point.
"Are you sure?"
“Yes…. yes. I see your point. I understand what it is that you are telling me, and I accept your terms!” exclaimed Edmund.
“Alright then - - I will help you remodel your kitchen. And I’ll take your money too.... Just so we understand each other: I don’t want to hear any whining from you once we get started. ‘Cause once I start this project, there will be no going back, and no stopping me either! You know what a Juggernaut is, don’t you? Well, your average Juggernaut gets a little tired and worn out at the mere thought of trying to keep up with me!” Edmund’s uncle made this final comparison to his intense, yet charismatic personality while he sat back into his chair and grinned.
“Okay, Uncle Kraken, I understand your terms and I accept your challenge. Tell your people at Monster Island that for the next few months, you’ll be busy building walls, installing cabinets, and inventing new swearwords in St. Louis Park, Minnesota!” Edmund said this while he thought to himself, “I can handle The Kraken, Godzilla, Pandora, and as many Juggernauts as Uncle Kraken can throw at me. I’m just glad that he didn’t make any allusions toward that Sorcerer’s Apprentice/FANTASIA movie-thing…. That cartoon and those brooms and that music have always freaked me out!” – L5
The kitchen in its current state!
A fridge too far, but not fair at all. The crappy refrigerator that came with the house: it's a piece of junk and it sticks out into the hallway!
Striking a deal with Godzilla!
The much-feared broom!
What hath we wrought?